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Such TV Live is one of the most reliable Current Affairs and News TV channels, with the aim of bringing factual and unbiased information. With different news channels, we have made a tremendous improvement on news and current affairs are delivered. Such TV provides top stories and news, covering the cities and provinces, international news, business related news, sports related news, and all the latest development in science and technology.

Some of the best current on-air programs on Such TV Live are Such Time, Aaj Ka Such, Such Baat, Goya, Hamara, Mulagat, Shehar, Sach Savera, Aaj Kay Akhbaar, Hafta Rafta, Sada e Kashmir, Such Speical, Weekend Sach Savera, Play Field, Talk at 7, and Sehat Zindagi, just to name a few. Enjoy news, current affairs, family entertainment, drama, sports, and much more on this family channel while living abroad. Our online viewers can watch all their favorite programs through Such TV Live.